Is Education System Giving Its 100%?

100% Marks? Seriously?? Perfect Learning???

Is it even possible? And that too in Humanities? Does it mean that no further scope of learning is left for that learner in all subjects in that class? What is wrong with the Education system? Are we promoting cramming?

Are we burning our children out? Are we pushing other children into inferiority complex? Why are marks so much glorified? Is it like showing off as we show off all our acquisitions? Do we become better human beings by flaunting our marks? Whose fault is it anyway, parents, teachers, schools or education as a system? Have we ever tracked these learners in long life to see whether they were more happy and successful as human beings than those who scored just 60- 70 %?

CBSE results are out and everywhere in news and social media we see parents and schools glorifying 90+%centers.
Are these children more talented than others? And what does talent mean? If talent means ability to score high then certainly these children are but if talent means being able to rise up from the failures and mistakes, that sure is yet to be seen?

Very often, we come across students scoring 95+ percentage in English yet we see them not able to speak fluently in English. And even if they are able to speak, what difference does it make to their lives? (I am mentioning to English as a language, perhaps CBSE just treats it as a subject.)  Do they become capable to think critically and clearly? Do they become better at their relationships with themselves, with people around them or with society at large?

These questions have been bothering me since Iong but this time CBSE result where two students have scored 100% has proved that the education now is not seen in terms of what it shapes you to be as a human being rather education is now quantified prized possession in terms of certificates.
We all know one or the other person who scored very high on marks index yet is seen very low on human index. What is wrong with the system? What do we wish our children to do when they grow up? Are we equipping them with necessary life skills, initiatives to transform, capabilities to handle failures, rise from falls, gathering up again from broken relationships?

I definitely have no answers to all the questions that I have asked. I am just putting these questions in front of everyone. I believe the time has come that we all must reclaim education from its quantification and commercialization. United we all must raise our voice to fine tune the system which must make the learner a human engineer, doctor, lawyer, programmer, pilots, astronaut, business man can be thought of later.

Education must do what it is supposed to lead forth, to draw out, to nourish and to bring the best out of human beings. The best out of human beings can not be only in terms of quantity. The quality of education must be reflected in terms of humanity index.

P. S. I am raising no finger on students scoring so high. Any student, parents, teachers and schools owning such students, must not feel  bad about such questions. These are valid questions to be asked from a system which has quantified the education and we are left with less of humane human beings.


  1. Perfectly explained.. i agree with it but if marks doesn't matter why students get their admissions behalf of their result.. even when they promoted in next class in school, marks is also matter .It is not my thinking.. as many parents says we should have to focus on skills but good marks is also must to make bright future,its need of today's education system. Now there is change to education system.We cant change mentality of people.

    1. Perfectly said!! Dear Unknown.. marks matter only for admissions. Life is much more comprehensive and complex than exams. That is what the point is..even after admissions into schools and we come out a better human being or just one more degree added to the prized possession? Thank you for sharing your opinion.

  2. 100 % marks ...result.... humanity... these... all r not different to one other but decide a future line of a child and help to grow of themselves to make a good person. Its control to self and present with humanity in front of society.

    1. Yes agreed!! This is what we expect of shape learners into good human beings. Thank you so much Dear Unknown for responding.

  3. I feel so bad when I have to say Beta SRCC nahi ho paayega even after the child score is 97.75%. Pathetic state of system.

  4. Yeah I understand WS Education PVT Ltd. This race for marks is aggravated because of dearth of good colleges also. The entire focus is just fixed on getting high percentage, the learners are not left with motivation and time to explore the other skills which make them better human beings.


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