The Attitude of Gratitude is a Blessing! Let us Keep Cultivating It!


The Attitude of Gratitude!

Do you have friends & family who stand with you in your times of need? Are you happy to have them in your life? Are you thankful to them? Have you ever expressed how much you value their support and presence in your life?

Expressing that feeling of thankfulness towards someone is gratitude. As Robert Emman says Gratitude is an affirmation of goodness.

Gratitude is the value that makes us realize that in our scheme of life, there is something bigger, outside our reach that is helping us to achieve and experience goodness in our lives.

Though we all experience this feeling of gratitude, very few of us actually express it. In our mad rush of life simple, small things which we take for granted, and never think of thanking them for being in life are appreciated when they are taken away. During this entire ongoing pandemic phase, we all realized how much were we taking everything for granted; nature, resources, family, friends, good job, good health, our freedom to live life the way we liked and much more.

I believe, if pandemic has done something good to the mankind, it has tried to awaken the value of gratitude which lay dormant in the collective consciousness of mankind for quite long. Acknowledging all that is good in our lives how so ever small it might have been was the beginning. We all felt gratitude for so much that we were overwhelmed by the experience. So many posts, articles, blogs and videos are evidences of that pent up expression of gratitude.

Now that we have rediscovered gratitude, let us remember to keep cultivating it.

Let us remember to say ‘thank you’ more often for everything that the people give or do for us. Thanking people for what they mean to us is not expensive; it is just a mindset. Just a smile, a word of appreciation, a Whats App message, an email or a card to say how much they mean to us, conveys it.

Let us remember that generosity or help that we receive from people has cost which must be paid. Someone who chose to pick my child from the school when I was ill could have done something of her own in that half an hour. Though we can never repay an act of kindness, we can always pay it forward. Let one act of kindness done to us become a chain of kind acts passed forward to help someone in need.

Let us remember that expressing gratitude is a choice. A choice to contribute to the goodness. The things and people we appreciate and are grateful for, actually grow in value. Gratitude elicits goodness, more of it. It actually is an auto fueling virtuous cycle. Like when you feel good, you do good and when you do good you again feel good. An act of kindness or generosity when appreciated leads to more acts of kindness which further leads to gratitude and then to more of kindness.

Let us remember that all people are not as fortunate as we are. For all the opportunities that we had, have or will have, many people can just wish for them. Is it not in itself a reason to express our gratitude to the nature? Just visualize, all those who walked miles on foot to reach homes during pandemic while we were tuning into our TV sets at home to look in to their plight. Why should we not express our gratitude to that thing, that power beyond our reach or understanding which is creating good experiences in our lives?

Let us remember to thank them also who are not thanked because they are paid. Our employees, our workers, our support staff, our drivers, gardeners, milkman, iron man, house maids, every single one. Let us pay them for their work but express our gratitude for the value they add to our life, for all the difference that they make.

And most important let us remember that this expression must not be mere words, it must be coming out of that inner place called the bottom of our hearts with those pure vibes that connect human beings.

And finally, let us remember gratitude is the expression of divinity in us. All those people who contributed to make our life what it is today, let us keep them all in our prayers. We may not know many of them and we may not thank many of them personally, let our vibrations reach there.

I am Grateful to God for everything and I am grateful to all of you for reading it!

Thank you! Stay blessed!

P.S. How Gratitude Transforms us? Read in the next blog.
